Middle School Band » Private Lesson Information

Private Lesson Information

Private lessons are helpful for music students of all ages and skill levels. Individual time with an expert on a given instrument who can tailor instruction to a particular student is invaluable. Please see our list of recommended teachers, including many who teach on campus after school or in the evenings.
Please also check out the Norwin "Play It Forward Fund." This remarkable organization exists for the sole purpose of providing financial support to Norwin instrumental music students so they can take private lessons or attend summer music camps. This is a unique resource that we should be sure to take advantage of, and they are anxious to find new students to support!
Click HERE for our list of recommended teachers.
Please note: Private music lessons are not sponsored by Norwin School District nor are the persons and activities associated with the sessions covered by the Norwin School District liability insurance.
- Norwin School District Curriculum Procedure 116.1 Private Music Lessons