The Norwin Board of Education recognizes that many students possess personally owned electronic devices, and that learning opportunities can be enhanced through “Bring Your Own Device” educational programs in which teachers permit the purposeful use of personal electronic devices in support of curriculum learning objectives.
The purpose of this Policy is to set forth expectations for appropriate use of existing and emerging technologies which students may possess, including but not limited to cellular phones, laptop or mini computers, e-readers, digital picture/video cameras and/or camera phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), MP3s, tablet PCs, pagers and other personally owned electronic devices capable of transmitting data or images.
The Norwin School District holds high expectations for student behavior, academic integrity and responsible use of existing and emerging technologies, such as cellular phones, digital picture/video cameras and/or phones and other personal electronic devices capable of capturing and/or transmitting data or images. Students who possess and/or use such devices at school or school-sponsored events must demonstrate the greatest respect for the educational environment and the rights and privacy of all individuals within the school community.
The District reserves the right to restrict student use of District-owned technologies and personal electronic devices on school property or at school-sponsored events. Personal electronic devices can only be used within the building or on school grounds if pre-approved and under the supervision of a classroom teacher or administrator for a specific educational purpose. Electronic devices must remain in the “off” mode, and must not be visible or accessed during the school day, unless expressly permitted by a teacher or principal.
The District shall not be liable for the loss, damage, misuse or theft of any personal electronic device brought to school.
The District reserves the right to take appropriate action, which may, depending on the circumstances, include monitoring, inspecting, copying, reviewing, or confiscating a personal electronic device or file when administration has a reasonable suspicion that a violation of District Policy or applicable law has occurred.
Delegation of Responsibility
The Superintendent or designee shall annually notify students, parents/guardians and staff about this Policy by publishing a notice in student handbooks and by other efficient methods, including posting the Policy on the District’s Web site. Exceptions to the prohibitions set forth in this Policy may be made for health, safety or emergency reasons with prior approval of the building principal or designee.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop procedures for the efficient and orderly implementation of this Policy.
Access is a privilege, not a right. Violations of this Policy by a student may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to confiscation of the electronic device, banning of the student from bringing personal electronic devices to school, or criminal prosecution if applicable.
All District students shall review this Policy and its related Procedure 237 before students use any school and/or personal electronic devices and shall sign a form indicating their receipt and understanding of the student responsibilities set forth in this Policy.
Personal electronic devices used during the instructional day must access the internet via the District’s content-filtered wireless network, and not through 3G, 4G, or other content service providers.
Students shall not use any electronic device in a manner that disrupts or detracts from the educational environment. Students may not utilize any technology device or application to harass, threaten, demean, humiliate, intimidate, embarrass, or annoy their classmates or others. On this point, students are reminded that Board Policy No. 249 prohibits bullying and cyber bullying in all forms.
Students are not permitted to use any electronic device to record audio or video media or take pictures of any student or staff member without their permission. The distribution of any unauthorized media may result in discipline including but not limited to suspension, criminal charges, and expulsion.
Students shall not use cellular phones or other electronic devices in any way that may cause a teacher or staff member to question whether the student may be cheating on tests or academic work or violating copyright policy.
A personal electronic device shall include all existing and emerging technology devices that can take photographs; record audio or video; input or store text; upload and download media; and transmit or receive messages or images. Examples of a personal electronic devices shall include but are not limited to: MP3 players and iPods; iPads, Nooks, Kindle, e-readers and tablet PCs; laptop and netbook computers; personal digital assistants (PDAs), cell phones and smart phones such as BlackBerry, iPhone, or Droid, as well as any device with similar capabilities.
Educational purposes include classroom activities, career development, communication with experts, or homework. Students are expected to act responsibly and thoughtfully when using technology resources. Students bear the burden of responsibility to inquire with school administrators and/or teachers when they are unsure of the permissibility of a particular use of technology prior to engaging in the use.
Inappropriate communication includes, but is not limited to, the following types of communications when conducted during the instructional day or during school-sponsored activities or in a capacity which impacts the orderly operation of the District’s schools, in violation of Policy No. 249: obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language or images typed, posted, or spoken by students; information that could cause damage to an individual or the school community or create the danger of disruption of the academic environment; personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks; harassment (defined as persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person) or stalking of others; knowingly or recklessly posting false or defamatory information about a person or organization; and communication that promotes the destruction of property, including the acquisition or creation of weapons or other destructive devices. If a student is told to stop sending inappropriate communications, that student must cease the activity immediately. Students who engage in inappropriate communications will be subject to discipline and, if appropriate, may be reported to local authorities.
Unacceptable devices shall include but not be limited to gaming devices or consoles, laser pointers, modems or routers, printers, and televisions, or any other device delineated as unacceptable in the District’s Administrative Procedure for this policy.